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Airport MRT (Orange Line)

Airport MRT (Orange Line)
Airport MRT (Orange Line)

(Provided for reference only as project planning has not been finalized. Actual outcome is subject to project approval.)

Project Background

The Taichung Airport MRT (Orange Line) is an important transportation construction that connects Taichung International Airport with downtown and suburban Taichung. The MRT is planned to run along Zhongqing Road, Guogwang Road and Zhongxing Road, which are all main traffic arteries of Taichung City. It will also go along major medical institutions, universities, and business areas of Taichung city, and thus has a strong transportation demand. This construction will also coordinate with future development projects, such as "Taichung Airport 2040 Overall Plan", "Airport Park Area", "Shuinan Economic and Trade Park", and the "15th Phase Land Replotting Area".

Current Progress

The feasibility study for the Airport MRT (Orange Line) was first submitted to the MOTC for review on April 9, 2021, and a revised report based on the review opinion submitted in August 2021. A site inspection was subsequently conducted by the MOTC in November 2021 and an initial review meeting was convened in December of the same year. The report was revised by the City Government in accordance with the initial review meeting opinion and submitted to the MOTC for further review on April 1, 2022. A revised report based on the opinions of each unit at the discussion meeting convened by the MOTC Railway Bureau on October 6, 2022, was also completed and re-submitted to the Central Government for further review on September 14, 2023. The report has now been revised and supplementary information added in accordance with the written opinion provided by the MOTC Railway Bureau on January 23, 2024, and submitted to the Central Government for review on March 28, 2024. A review committee was convened by the MOTC on July 2, 2024, and an agreement in principle issued. The City Government has now added supplementary information and revised the report in accordance with the opinions of the committee members and all relevant units. The report was submitted on October 1, 2024, to the MOTC to be passed on to the Executive Yuan for review. Every effort will be made to cooperate with the Central Government's review procedure and secure project approval as soon as possible.

Updated:2025-03-12 PM 01:17:30
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