Project Background
Given that Taichung Metropolis is heading towards multi-core development, the city government proposed the Mountain-Coast Loop Line, which plans to add Jiahou Line railway to connect the Mountain Line and Coastal Line of TRA and build a circular railway system in downtown Taichung. This project connects the Mountain Line and Coastal Line regions, thus providing a more convenient, rapid and accessible railway transportation service to the region.
Current Progress
The "Greater Taichung Mountain-Coast Line Double-track Railway Elevation Project Feasibility Study (大臺中地區山海線鐵路雙軌高架化建置計畫可行性研究)" broke the project down into the three separate reports on the Mountain Line, Coastal Line, and Jiahou Line, as directed in writing by the MOTC on January 30, 2024. The reports were re-submitted to the Central Government for review on February 23, 2024. The Mountain Line and Coast Line proposals were forwarded by the MOTC to the Executive Yuan for deliberation on March 29, 2024.
On June 27, 2024, the opinion of the National Development Council of Executive Yuan was forwarded by the MOTC to the City Government to request further information and revisions. Supplementary information was therefore added and the report revised by the City Government in accordance with the opinions of the relevant units, with the report submitted to the MOTC for deliberation on October 24, 2024. The review opinion of the MOTC Railway Bureau was received on December 20, 2024. The revised report for Mountain Line and Coast Line were submitted to the MOTC Railway Bureau by the City Government on January 9, 2025. Every effort will be made to cooperate with the Central Government's review procedure and secure project approval as soon as possible.